Welcome ...
Photo taken: December 12, 2015
Attending family members gather for a picture while attending Gertrude Moriak's funeral at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Clayton, Wisconsin.
The family would like to express their gratitude for all your continued thoughts and prayers during this time and also those who set aside time in their busy lives to attend. God bless all of you. Mom woud be proud. Much love from her. |
SPECIAL PASSWORD NOTICE: Some of the documents within this site are password protected to help protect the families personal and sensitive identity information.
Countless hours checking ancestry web site have been spent trying to keep this site updated. The passwords are changed from time time to keep the unwanted eyes from getting family information. If you have any information regarding the Moriak Family Tree and/or the Rütsche Tree, please forward it on to me so I can keep these files current and updated. This site is only as accurate as the information it contains, and I take your proprietary information seriously. Also if you have an e-mail address (change) / Web Page I don't know about let me know. I'll link you into this Web site. THANK YOU to all of those few who have contributed to this site.
- Dennis Farrar, Your Family Internaut